The new anti-spam engine in SBS 2008 seems to be doing a good job on one of our customer’s sites. However, the interface isn’t the greatest and I struggled to find a way to stop a particular email being marked as spam. My struggle was explained when I raised a post in – you can’t do it through the GUI, you need to use the Exchange shell (EMS). One note about said shell, always right-click and choose ‘Run as Administrator’, certain commands, including the ones below, don’t work if you run it as a normal user.
Use the following shell command to add sender SMTP addresses to the BypassedSenders list:
Set-ContentFilterConfig -BypassedSenders,
Use the following command to whitelist the sending domain:
Set-ContentFilterConfig -BypassedSenderDomains,
You don’t get any confirmation that the action has been taken, but you also don’t get any error message. Use the following commands to list which users or domains have been added to the BypassedSenders lists:
Get-contentFilterConfig |fl BypassedSenders
Get-contentFilterConfig |fl BypassedSenderDomains
Thanks to Robert Li in the newsgroups for this info.
Related info:
How to Specify Recipient and Sender Exceptions for Content Filtering
Hey, nice site you have here! Keep up the excellent work!
Email Spam Filtering
Just what I was looking for, thanks Nick!
Excellent info.
A note of caution however....Setting bypassed domains using the Set-ContentFilterConfig -BypassedSenderDomains command, overwrites rather than appends to the bypassed sender domains list.
So if you have pre-existing bypassed domains, make sure you add them into the list too!
hum great dear very nice information dear i like to visit here you have good sort of info about sbs 2008
Exellent apparaoch
it solutions Manchester
Nice! This was exactly what I needed. Thanks for posting the info.
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